WSAFE a young startup, to position itself as research and result oriented company in the field of Water SAFEty and sustainability solution. We plan to implement our ancient Indian Vedic wisdom based innovative products and ease of implementation methodology to bring new prospective and change in wastewater recycling and rejuvenation services.
We bring positive sustainable change not only in wastewater management as well as it will directly result in air pollution mitigation, control on water and vector borne diseases, carbon sequestration, groundwater recharge, higher yield in aquaculture, and prevention of flooding/overflowing of water bodies.
Achieve 7 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG 3,6,8,11,13,14 & 15) with a “Healthy Waterbody”
Important: Waterbody filled with water (even contaminated water) should not be dewatered, no de-silting/physical dredging and no treatment with chemicals/ or inducing bio enzymes/artificial aeration etc. Because these solutions give temporary results and further deteriorate the health of waterbody.
With Nature Based Solution Services we provide Ecological and Sustainable Rejuvenation of Water Bodies
(Natural Pond, Lake, River, Rivulet, Reservoir, Drain)
Vedic Science Approach to Wastewater Treatment and Services. Post the rejuvenation process the water quality of waterbody reach the outdoor bathing standard IS 2296 Class- B in In-Situ condition.
With use of ALIVE water from our Rejuvenated Water bodies, one can move to natural agricultural practices without the use of Pesticides, weedicide, fungicide etc.
The fundamental of wastewater treatment technologies (Phytorid, constructed wetland, STP, ETP etc.) is – “Segregate and Store”, which means you are trying to take out the impurities from wastewater and storing it in the form of sludge. However, the resultant Water Quality is still not useful, even not up to the “bathing standard” set by the Water Quality Monitoring Boards.
The fundamental of our Cownomics™ NBS technology is – “Consume and Digest”, which means that impurities gets consumed and digested in the aqua ecology. Therefore, water becomes fit as per bathing standard or better and no sludge management is required.
We have collaboration with Indian premier Institute IIT Delhi, to carry out scientific evidence based impact assessment for change in the quality of Water, Air and Soil.
Challenges arise in the utilization of treated wastewater for urban local bodies due to various factors, including concerns about water quality, residue from chemical processes, and meeting outdoor bathing standards like IS 2296 Class B.
Our solution involves directing treated or untreated wastewater to nearby natural ponds or lakes, or creating new water bodies. Utilizing our in-situ Natural Based Solutions (NBS), we can pre-treat the accumulated water over a period of 9-12 months to achieve Class B standard water quality. Subsequently, authorities can extract treated water in accordance with the inlet capacity, for example, extracting 10MLD for a 10MLD inlet.
Our solution offers time bound deliverables , from day 1 of treatment you may observe changes at physical, bio-chemical and physio-bio levels.
Process is In-Situ, no need to stop any inlets of Sewage or Effluent.
There is a constant exchange of energies which happens amongst these 5 elements, which makes our life possible on Mother Earth.
In nature there is no concept of waste, one person's waste is food for the other. This cycle goes on in Soil, Water & Air too.
Vaidic Srijan is Research & Development organisation performing continuous research in the field of ecological rejuvenation of water, based on our ancient Indian Vedic Science. R&D team is headed by Mr. Madhukar Swayambhu having extensive knowledge and vast experience in the field